Topaz Diary

Winter care tips for indoor plants

Winter care tips for indoor plants:


1. Place the plants where they can receive indirect bright light. For example, near a window inside the house, on the inner side of the balcony, or beside a door. Ensure that cold drafts do not reach the plants during winter.

      2. If indoor plants cannot access indirect bright light indoors, consider relocating them to areas where they can get such light, like moving outdoor plants closer to windows. During winter, position outdoor plants towards the front and indoor plants towards the back.

      3. If none of the above options are feasible, cover the indoor plants with large, white polythene sheets in the late afternoon. Uncover them the next morning (once the cold diminishes).

      4. If using room heaters indoors, keep the plants away from direct heat as it can dry out the plants. The use of room heaters reduces humidity levels in the room, leading to dryness in plants. To maintain humidity, place a container of water near the plants or spray water on the leaves and wipe them with a soft cloth.


        1. Indoor plants require less water during winter due to lower evaporation rates caused by the weather. Watering should be done every 2-3 days depending on soil moisture. Excessive watering in winter can lead to plant damage.

        2. Once a week or every 10 days, wipe the leaves of indoor plants with a damp cloth to remove dust, preventing the accumulation of dirt on the leaves.

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